
Nick | 11/07/2013 | 12


It’s time to talk about goals!  First things first – congratulations to

Adessa for her 3 linked toes to bar

Renee for her ring muscle up (eeeeee!)

Tracia for her 5 1.5 pood kettlebell swings

JT for his 5×5 high bar back squat at 250#

Niki for running a f**king marathon

Katie for finishing the Baltimore Marathon and

Dan for his 245# clean!

These were the completed goals on our “goal board” connected to the whiteboard.  (I encourage those of you who completed goals recently and didn’t write them on the goal board to do so here and to start using the goal board too!)  Now it’s time to look forward and pick some goals to be working on for the rest of the year.

Our goal board is now a blank slate.  I’d like everyone to start thinking of what they would like to accomplish before the year is out.  Remember, we always want our goals to be specific (as in the number of reps or a weight, not “a lot” of pullups or a “heavy” snatch – if you want to PR a lift, pick a weight!), measurable, meaningful and attainable.  And then write them down.  Instead of making this goal for the month, we’re asking you to pick something a little bit more long term.  This will not only give you a little more time to work towards them, but should also help keep you on track through the holidays when lifestyle choices can be influenced more towards the not-so-great.

For those of you who geek out on this stuff as much as I do, I’m posting an interview with the amazing

Kelly Starrett

where he talks about lifestyle choices that not only affect our performance in the gym, but have a huge (and overly ignored) impact on our day to day life.  (If you don’t love K Starr yet, then you don’t yet know how many of his ideas I steal…)

So choose who you want to be come 2014.  If you need help, ask a coach!  (That is, in fact, a huge part of what we’re here for).  Let’s not wait for the new year to start making resolutions.  Building the new you starts now.


Pushing Volume Training


8 rounds
8 KBS (2/1.5)
20 double unders

12 comments for “Goals

  1. Donne says:

    VOL: 10 mins of 2 strict push ups, rest 3 push up on argo

    WOD: 8:04 (1.25 pd, singles)

    Wish I did 1.5pd since the singles was enough of a break that I did swings unbroken. For some reason, my hips were alive.

    2013 Goals
    Clean and Jerk 1RM 120#
    String 5 Double Unders
    Get One Knee to Elbow

    Will post on goal board later since I thought of these up on drive back from 630a. Not gonna lie I was intimidated by the board, but I find it keeps me focus now. Hope people keep setting and trying.

  2. Ben PC says:

    VOL: 4 pushups for first 10 minutes, then 5 pushups

    WOD: 9:36 w/ 1.5 pd, singles

    1.5 pd felt surprisingly good, next time 2pd!

  3. Mike says:

    Volume: 2 kipping handstand pushup drills, tripod to plank, then 2 pushups

    WOD: 11:23 Rx

    I definitely want another crack at something like this when I’m in better jumping shape, I couldn’t get more than 3 or 4 in a row for a couple of the middle rounds. 2pd wasn’t bad with only 8 in each round.

  4. Olivia says:

    Volume training: 1 strict HSPU. I did 2 for the first round or two, but wasn’t going to be able to maintain it. Next time can I do 1.5 HSPUs per round?

    Wod: 7:27rx. Got through a few rounds of doubles unbroken. Booyah.

  5. Renee says:

    Well, shit, let’s celebrate accomplished goals then. I know there were more goals smashed than listed. Ben at his weightlifting comp, Tricia on her whole 30 and so on.

    Tonight, after evening classes, indo? I’ll be going over at 8:15pm.. ish. A few have said they’re coming too. See ya there!

  6. Daniel LeMoose says:

    Volume training: 2 strict HSPUs. This lasted for 13 rounds then 1 (sometimes 2 again) til the end.

    WOD: 7:04 Rx
    I definitely had to go to that dark place for the last 2 rounds. Just missed getting under the 7 min mark.

    New goals to achieve before 2013 ends: kipping HSPUs, and a 145# OHS.

    Congrats to all those who achieved their goals! Here’s to a better, fitter, stronger you!

  7. Rich says:

    6:01 rx. Lots of ropes jumped.

  8. Renee says:

    I did Thursday WOD at 6 and Friday WOD at 7;

    Front Squat 140# PR
    WOD 8 round and 1 burpee @ 65# Ugly ugly snatches

    Volume training: 5 ring push ups… easier than reg push ups… hmm
    WOD 7:29 singles and 1.25 pood… I like that one.. let’s me get a little closer to using 1.5 in a WOD some day.

  9. EL Matador says:

    WOD: 7:20 RX Double are coming…slowly.

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