Applying the drill

Nick | 03/05/2014 | 3


You might have noticed a theme recently (what, just one?) where we practice part of a lift during our strength/skill portion and then wind up seeing the full or a fuller version of the lift in the WOD. If you couldn’t tell, this is very purposeful.  This allows us to apply new or newly reinforced ideas to a lift while under fatigue.  Today is no different.

When we work on our high hang squat cleans we’ll want to establish a solid upright torso in the high hang position before we start the lift.  It will be tempting to “bounce” out of this, but (especially when it’s light) it will be important to establish the position statically to build consistency in hitting it.  We don’t have a lot of room between the high hang and full extension, so we need to make sure we are dropping fast into the bottom of our front squat to catch this weight or we’ll never reach our full load potential.

JT EDIT: For a great demonstration of how a smooth first pull ends up in exactly this vertical-torso-high-hang-launch position, watch this video. Or, you know, if you just want to see something Awesome like this 165# woman Cleaning 308#:

Nick EDIT: like.


High Hang Squat Cleans – see the second version for the positioning we’ll be using

Priority here is establishing the high hang position with the hips under the shoulders (just like the dip in a push press or jerk – without pressing the hips back).

Avoid “bouncing” out of the high hang to build consistency hitting the right position (despite Greg Everett’s performance above, who is very experienced and honed in).

All three reps should be done without setting the bar down.


Squat Cleans
Ring Dips

*scale ring dips to box or bench dips with the box or bench behind you to encourage externally rotated shoulder positioning throughout the dip

3 comments for “Applying the drill

  1. Daniel LeMoose says:

    warm up- 45×3, 95×3, 125×3
    working- 135, 155, 165, 175, 185

    11:21 RX
    Almost 2 mins slower than when I did it last September…this is not good.

  2. Bam Bam says:

    HHC: 185#

    Elizabeth: 8:48 scaled DIps. Felt Like puking almost Immediately. *Note to Self* Do Not Eat Before Crossfit.

  3. christine says:

    hiiii hang sq clean: 65, 85, 95 and working on form

    WOD: 10:13 @ 85#, scaled dips with toes on agro box behind. squats were for serious.

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