Staying tall while gettin’ low

Nick | 04/10/2014 | 5


We challenge ourselves in all kinds of ways here at CFSV.  Sometimes it’s moving faster than we thought we could.  Sometimes it’s moving more weight than we thought we could.  And then sometimes it’s moving our bodies in ways we didn’t realize we could (or maybe even should).  An example of the latter would be overhead squats, where we have to push up with our upper body while pulling down with our lower body.  While it might not always seem like it, our bodies were built to be able to do this.  It just takes a little… reminding, especially after a few (or several) years of adult life (i.e. regular extended time in a seated, possibly slouched position).

Today’s WOD will be a great reminder of what we were built to be able to do.  It might not be comfortable, but putting in the effort to push up into our plate while lowering ourselves into a lunge will help us engage the parts of us that perhaps became used to not working on a regular basis.  So push up, lunge down and do it again and again and again.  If you’re here to better yourself in any way, today will be a great day to come in.


Pushing Volume Training


40 overhead lunge steps (in place – 45/35)
20 toes to bar
30 ohls
15 ttb
20 ohls
10 ttb
10 ohls
5 ttb

5 comments for “Staying tall while gettin’ low

  1. Ben PC says:

    6:30! It’s been too long!

    PU: 5x7min on rings, 4x13min on lower rings
    WOD: 10:27 w/ 35lb, toes to eye level (-ish)

  2. Daniel LeMoose says:

    Pushing volume training: 5 ring dips for 5 minutes then my elbow started hurting so switched to 2 HSPU til the end.

    WOD: 8:49 RX

  3. Kyle R says:

    Pushing volume training: AMRAP 12 wall-facing handstands, for about 20 seconds per minute

    WOD: 7:59 Rx

  4. BAM BAM SMASH says:

    WOD: 7:09RX

  5. Nelly says:

    Should my shoulders still be sore???

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