So, what’s next?

Nick | 06/01/2014 | 4


Our cycle just ended, so what’s next?  Well, the format overall will be changing a bit.  Rather than having cycles with dedicated test/retest style focus, we’ll be building on more broad focuses through the summer.  Running will certainly be a focus during these nicer months and starting this week, we’ll be regularly reviewing some basic gymnastic positioning to build consistency in the basics of movement.

Today, we’ll be continuing on the theme of dropping and rebounding our push presses with our push jerk.  Just like last week, we’ll be practicing not only letting the bar fall freely but using the downward force to load the legs for the next drive up.


Push jerk

WOD: (see 9/24/13)

8 rounds

10 kbs (2/1.5)
10 cal row
Rest :30

4 comments for “So, what’s next?

  1. Olivia says:

    PJ: 140#, pr

    WOD: 12:34rx. Nothing fun about this one. Just grit your teeth and get the work done.

  2. Amy says:

    PJ: 105, these felt good today, not my max but getting close

    WOD: 15:18 @1 pd (as compared to the same but 14:39 time)

    A little slower than last time, only this time I didn’t feel like that WOD was trying to kill me.

  3. Rich says:

    PJ – 1_5# 6? 8? I really don’t know.

    12:17 rx – This wasn’t so bad only because during round 7 I realized we were doing 8 rounds, not 10.

  4. Niki Brown says:

    PJ: 135#
    Wod: 12:40 @ 1.5pd. BARF

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