Incremental increases

Nick | 09/14/2014 | 2


When most of us start CrossFit, we notice huge improvements right from the start.  Mobility improves, strength increases, our engine gets a solid tune up and we generally feel just better all around.  It often feels so good that in a way we become addicted to our improvement, constantly chasing that next PR or new movement.  It’s important to realize however that after a few months, it’s quite natural for our gains to slow down.  This can be discouraging, but it is normal and an important aspect of our training development.  You’ll find yourself working harder and harder for smaller and smaller PRs.  This is OK, but it’s also when we have to start training smarter and smarter.  Knowing that after 6-12 months of training we’re probably not going to PR our deadlift by 50# in one go, we’ll start planning our training to be just a little better than yesterday.  Pebbles in a bucket.


5×5 @ 10# heavier than 9/2/12 (which was 85% of 1rm or current 5rm)


deck squat
pull up

2 comments for “Incremental increases

  1. Ben PC says:

    DL: 245# (+10 from 9/2)
    I still have some magnificent box bite on my shins—one big ol’ bump—so this was interesting.

    WOD: 7:50something Rx

  2. Renee says:

    DL 190# – this was only 5# heavier than last time but it is 88% of my 1rm

    WOD 5:16 Rx

    That was a fun WOD

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