Lifting heavy

Nick | 03/24/2015 | 5


We’ve been playing around with the idea of doing an AMRAP set at a percentage of the day’s max to close out our strength work for a few weeks now.  Most of the time it’s been with a movement where there’s a clear point of failure – a push jerk, an overhead squat, etc.  Today, we’ll be doing this with a deadlift.  There are a couple unique points that we’ll want to pay attention to with this.

First, we want to make sure that we stop before we start to let our form go.  Since there’s no definitive end to the set, it might be tempting to just keep moving until we can’t anymore.  What we should do instead is hang on as long as we can while keeping our back in place and lifting purely with our legs.  We’ll also want to make sure we’re not “resting” in between reps. If we have the opportunity to re-grip, we have let the bar come to rest and the set is over.


1 AMRAP set at 70% today’s max 


Dumbbell “DT”
5 Rounds:
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Press
*10-8-6-4-2 Burpee Sprints after each round

5 comments for “Lifting heavy

  1. jv says:

    DL: 190lb max (ugly as sin, but it’s technically a PR for 5 reps)

    WOD: 9:30, 20lb DB

  2. Callie says:

    JV – lol, UAS.

    DL: 225#, 20 @ 160#

    WOD: 6:53, 25# DB

  3. Renee says:


  4. Roger says:

    max on set 4 @ 155#
    AMRAP 20 @ 105#

    WOD: 9:57 @ 20# DB

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