Another max effort

Nick | 04/15/2015 | 3


We’ll be hitting another interval based WOD today. Β This time, the interval is a bit longer and we have some scheduled rest in to help us along.

With the weather getting nicer, we’ll be running more and more, so prepare yourselves to start hitting the pavement!


Snatch Deadlift
Three second pause at the knee
on third deadlift finish with snatch pull


4 Rounds:
200m Run
6 Power Snatches
ME Wall Ball
2 minutes rest

3 comments for “Another max effort

  1. EB says:

    Who the heck is that guy?

  2. Ben PC says:

    SNDL(?): 195# though the snatch pull didn’t exactly make it to shoulders. Not sure about the points of performance there.

    WOD: 27# (95#, 20# WB)
    Form wasn’t feeling super dialed-in so I mostly took the snatches carefully in singles, which reduced my time on the wallballs. Oh, drat.

  3. Callie says:

    SDL: 125#

    WOD: 74 KB Swings at 20 kgs.. Having some issues squatting low with wall balls, so modified. snatches at 65#

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