Putting on a show

Nick | 06/18/2015 | 6


Community Night Open House

This Friday night from 5-8pm during our regular classes we’ll be also welcoming anyone in the neighborhood to come down and meet us! It’s a great time of year to show off our gardens and encourage people to get active – by becoming members in our gym, increasing their agency in the world, or just getting active in their neighborhood! I’ve sent postcards to our neighbors here in Ward 2 (and some of Ward 3) and will be manning the grill, cooking burgers and dogs (and probably chicken, knowing my habits). There will be cold beers as well, I’m sure, for post-WOD nutrition, so mark your calendars for Friday night! It will be a great time to get a WOD in and maybe greet some of the neighbors.

If you’ve been looking for a reason to bring a friend in to CFSV, this would be a great night for it… also, if you just want to have some burgers and beers with your gym buddies and hang out, this would also be a great night for it! I hope a good time will be had by all.



3 front squats


3 Rounds
Run 400m
20 KB Swings
15 Goblet Squats

Rowing Technique Workshop

Interested in improving your rowing? Kirstie and Cleo will be hosting a FREE 2-hour Rowing Workshop on Saturday, June 20 from 11:30am-1:30pm after the Saturday WOD. It’s a no-charge, no-count class: just show up and learn something good about Rowing. We teach basic technique for safety in the classes, but this is your chance to spend 2 hours learning skills and drills that will make your rowing more efficient and effective in your workouts!

2nd Annual Fenway-to-Somerville 5k and BBQ

This was such a blast last year that we’re doing it again! SUNDAY, JUNE 28TH we will run the second annual 5k from CrossFit Fenway to CrossFit Somerville. CFSV is almost exactly 3.14 miles away from CFF so we’re celebrating with an in-house 5k capped off with a BBQ with both communities. Anyone is welcome, so feel free to bring friends! We will head out from CrossFit Fenway at NOON, and you’ll start eating chicken and beers in 22-35 minutes, if last year serves as any example. We’ll post more about carpools and bag shuttles as it gets closer, and as always if you’d like to help or get more info you can send email to projects@crossfitsomerville.com.


6 comments for “Putting on a show

  1. Ben PC says:

    STR: Back squat 215#x20
    WOD: 13:02 Rx

    I won’t pretend rounds 2 and 3 were anything more than recovery runs. Blegh!

  2. jv says:

    STR: 95lb

    WOD: 11:39 Rx

  3. JT says:

    Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed our little BBQ and met a few new friends. It was a good mix of morning and evening folks, and some new people and special guests as well! We definitely put a dent in the beers and food, but don’t worry: there’s plenty left for the post-5k BBQ next weekend!

    (Thanks especially to those who helped set up and/or clean up, including my lovely partners. You guys save my sanity.)

    Seeing the classes run by while I staffed the grill proved too much temptation, so I jumped into the 7pm WOD.
    WOD: 11:37 Rx

    I had way too many chicken thighs, burgers, and ciders before doing this WOD. The runs were… sloshy.

  4. Roger says:

    STR: @ 105#

    WOD: 10:47
    KB @ 1pd

  5. Olivia says:

    STR: 135#
    WOD: 9:07rx

  6. christine says:

    Know what feels so good? Being back with good people at cfsv. Know what feels like poop? My quads (still) from this day’s workout.

    Strength: 155# across
    wod: 13:35 rx

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