Using our springs

Nick | 08/24/2015 | 1


Don’t get me wrong, regular box jumps are great – they can train us to be very powerful through the hips and have a high metabolic impact on us.  But there are so many ways to jump and if our standard CrossFit style box jump is the only jumping we ever do, we’re missing out on a lot and training in imbalances.  So today, we’ll see something that we’ve never done before (well, you might  have done something like this if you ever join me for a Saturday class…) – lateral jumps on to a box.  This will be a very different challenge and I implore you to accept it.  Find a way to embrace what we’re after today and make it feasible.  We’ll be jumping sideways up onto an object and then back down the other side.  The Rx is 20″, but there are many other options here for you…




a deadlift (275/185)
12 tuck ups
12 lateral jumps (20)
12 pull ups (scale to jumping pull ups)

1 comment for “Using our springs

  1. Roger says:

    STR: Deadlift @ 125#

    WOD: 3+40
    AMRAP 12
    12 Deadlifts
    12 TTB
    12 Box Jumps (24″)
    12 Push Ups

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