Building power on the way down

Nick | 11/23/2015 | 1


Practicing our lifts touch and go style help us prepare to use them in a WOD, but it can teach us other things as well.  A really useful skill is to learn to be engaged and balanced all the way down a lift.  In more random situations than in a workout (one’s that life throws at us all of the time) being able to change directions of an object we’re manipulating without notice might be useful.  If we constantly teach our bodies to disengage as we lower weight, we’re missing a big part of what this will do for us.


Power snatch

x5 – TNG


6 Kettlebell snatch (L arm) 2/1.5
6 Lunge steps (L arm)
6 Kettlebell snatch (R arm)
6 Lunge steps (R arm)
3 Wall climbs

– For anyone interested in running a 5k on an amazing team of other friends,  join our CFSV team for the Yulefest 5K ( on December 13th!  

Team Name:CrossFit Somerville

Password: chickens
Let us know if you have any questions!
– Schedule update:
We will be closed on 11/26 for Thanksgiving.  We’ll only be running one class on Friday, 11/27.  It will be at 11am, uncapped, and we’ll be running the CrossFit WOD “Hope” and collecting donations for Team Rubicon.  Suggested donation is $10, but all members are welcome regardless. 

1 comment for “Building power on the way down

  1. Ben PC says:

    STR: 125#
    WOD: 3+26 @ 1.5pd

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