Very Traditional

JT Scott | 01/27/2016 | 3

Today’s work is “traditional”, if you think of CrossFit as having traditions. And with this many years of CrossFitters Doin’ CrossFit (thanks, Drywall), there are actually a fairly large number of traditions.

The WOD is a classic CrossFit metcon – high rep pullups and wallballs. This is the time to break out your hard-earned kips and really dig in to a WOD that could take anywhere from sub-4 minutes (for an elite athlete) to 16 minutes (for the beginner whose scaling bites off a bit more than they can chew). Either way, you’ll get better today for doing the work… and that’s the beauty of it.

Bench Press, contrary to popular perception, is actually another CF tradition. We do Bench in CrossFit – just not nearly as often as we press vertically or squat. It’s a movement that has some functional application and can provide useful training stimulus. The funny part is that we’ll be doing it in a very “traditional” rep scheme… but take it from this old guy: just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s bad.

Bench press

Wall Balls

The 5:30am class showing their pullup prowess.

The 5:30am class showing their pullup prowess.

3 comments for “Very Traditional

  1. Ben PC says:

    STR: 135#
    WOD: 8:48 Rx

  2. Abigail R says:

    STR: 60#
    WOD: 11:03 with green banded pull-ups and blue wall ball

  3. Roger says:

    STR: 110#

    WOD: 9:24
    Kipping Pull Ups
    14# wall ball

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