The Lost Press: DB Floor Press

JT Scott | 01/28/2016 | 3

Dumbbell Floor Press? You bet your bippy. This little-used movement is excellent for developing posterior arm strength and resilience, and is not-so-coincidentally a great recovery exercise to accompany the 60 pullups in yesterday’s WOD.

This is an old classic that doesn’t get nearly enough respect. We’re going to do this movement with gusto today, repping out 10 in under a minute. Key to remember is that you’re bringing the weight down to the floor actively with your lats – like a DB row, really – and then explosively pushing them up and ending with them above you at the shoulder. Your wrist angle shouldn’t change from the bottom to the top, and (just as we emphasized yesterday on the Bench) your wrist and elbow should remain vertically stacked throughout.

Keep the elbows in! We’re fighting to prevent internal rotation at the shoulder/humerus, as usual. Do these well and your arms will feel better and get more capable in a hurry.

Should your feet be planted on the floor with bent knees, or heels pressed into the ground with straight legs? It depends. Straight legs increase the demand on your core to stabilize you, but planting the feet can really help reduce lower back strain and is a blessing for those of us who tend to get odd back spasms when bench pressing.

As for the High Bar Back Squat, we’re going to be working at lower weights than usual, but with much higher reps. We’re going to find a heavy 10, and then stick with the heaviest weight for one more “max rep” set that we’re aiming for 20+. Wherever we end up, it’s going to be an enlightening experience, I assure you.


Come out this Saturday for a yoga class – free to CFSV members, $10 for non-members, open to all. Run by our very own Jenna!

This will be an all levels class, focusing on form, flow, and breath. Modifications will be offered for all postures, so it will be appropriate for beginners or experienced yogis. The style will be similar to classes at Be. In Union, Prana, or Baptiste, if you’ve been to any of those studios. 
Bring your yoga mat if you have one! We may have a few extras laying around, too – and you’re all quite used to crawling around on the floor anyway.
Pictured here: items we use more often than many CF boxes, but still not often enough.

Pictured here: items we use more often than many CF boxes, but still not often enough.

HBBS (High Bar Back Squat)

a) 10 Dumbbell floor press
b) 5 Jumping squats to target
c) 5 Burpees

3 comments for “The Lost Press: DB Floor Press

  1. Ben PC says:

    STR: 215# for 10, then I tried a long set of 230# (actual 20RM is 225#) but after a few reps I could tell I just didn’t have any gas.
    WOD: first round 35#, then 40# DBs

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