Up, down

Nick | 02/08/2016 | 7


Lots of barbell today, friends.  In fact, the only thing that will be breaking up our bar time is a lone wall climb each round.  It’ll be right back to the bar when you’re done, so if your wall climbs tend to be a little sloppy, perhaps take an extra few moments to make it as clean as you can.  I’m sure the barbell won’t miss you too much…


Front Squat



6 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Front Rack Lunges
1 Wall Climb

7 comments for “Up, down

  1. Ben PC says:

    STR: 145#
    WOD: 12:55 @ 20kb

    It’s been over a week since my last confession, so I was riding the strugglebus today!

  2. Roger says:

    STR: 105#

    WOD: 12:34 @ 16kg

  3. Eoin says:

    STR: 135#

    WOD: 12:55 @ 16kg

  4. Travis says:

    STR: 205# Hips weren’t feeling it this morning
    WOD: 6 rds @ 95#

  5. Ben PC says:

    STR: 185# (went heavy fast, felt a little tweaky in the knee, spent a bunch of time rolling out)
    SOD: 8+7 @ 95

  6. Roger says:

    STR: 135#

    WOD: 8+3 @ 65#

  7. Eoin says:

    STR: 135#

    WOD: 7+12 @ 65#

Comments are closed.