PR City (population: you)

JT Scott | 03/12/2017 | 2

One of the things I love about the CrossFit Open is that it gets people to try things they may think are just outside their grasp.

This weekend was an excellent example. While the Open workout 17.3 was designed as a separator – a way to create stratification in the competitor rankings based on snatch weight and pullup speed – it was also a nice ladder for folks to warm up to some PR snatches. Congratulations to the PRs we saw on Saturday… y’all did great!

Training consistently gets results. Sometimes it’s in the heat of competition that all that training pays off.

I had a PR this weekend as well – no, not on my sleep goal. (That’s still a work in progress.) But I did go out knocking on doors for the first time and introducing myself to people in my campaign for Ward 2 Alderman. This is a new endeavor for me. I’ve never run for office before, and I’ve certainly never gone door to door asking strangers for their votes.

But the thing is, I’ve been training for this my whole life. Listening, caring, and working hard to be effective in a wide range of situations. This is just a new way to apply skills and strength that I’ve built up over a lifetime of hard work.

So let’s all get on the train to PR City together, y’all. It’s nice there.

Oh, there’s also a WOD today. It’s Karen. Everyone ought to do Karen once in their life, at least. Don’t let the big number scare you – just get going on it and you’ll be done in no time at all. It takes less than 10 minutes, and you’ll feel it for a few days after… but you’ll never forget it.

Push Press

150 Wall Balls for Time (20/14)

2 comments for “PR City (population: you)

  1. Josh Mc says:

    Strength: 120# PR
    WoD: 9:22 w/20# but missed the blue paint on some. I think I need to do this workout one more time before having a good sense for how to effectively break this up into sets (I tried 25, then dropped to 15, and then it deteriorated into whatever “worked” at that point)

  2. Eoin says:

    WOD: 11:02 Rx

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