On the clock

Kirstie Young | 03/20/2017 | 1

On the clock

We all know squatting is good for you and we do it fairly often. Today will be similar, the only difference being, we’ll be working on the clock squatting once every thirty seconds for ten minutes. The weights will remain the same across the board. This is the same movement with a different stimulus than you may be used to.

For the work out we have the beloved Fran. If scaled correctlyΒ this should take a maximum of 7 minutes. If you’ve never done Fran you’re in for a treat. πŸ˜‰

Every :30 for 10 min
1 Back Squat @ 70%

Fran 21-15-9
Thrusters (95/65)
Pull ups
*Scale for5-7 minutes

1 comment for “On the clock

  1. Roger says:

    STR: 155#
    WOD: 7:57 @ 65#

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