And a straight up EMOM

Nick | 06/13/2017 | 4

Yesterday’s EMOM was certainly long and grindy.  Today, we’re going back to the EMOM’s sprinty roots.  After hitting some heavy singles on our push jerk (climbing up proper with this rep scheme), we’ll be snatching dumbbells and running.  This EMOM is definitely built to leave you rest if you stay on top of it and SPRINT!  Make each one of these all out and see how long you can maintain it.  The faster you go, the more rest you get!


Push Jerk




6 DB snatches (50/35)

stop sign sprint

*score is total seconds rest


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4 comments for “And a straight up EMOM

  1. Josh Mc says:

    Str: 150# PR
    WoD: 248 Rx; Paul (251) somehow managed an elusive 3 extra seconds on me this AM!

  2. Adam says:

    STR: 185#
    A 50# PR, although not sure if it should apply to a push jerk or push press, because I am literally the worst at dropping under the bar…
    WOD: 205 Rx

  3. Eoin says:

    STR: 155#
    WOD: 223 Rx

  4. Roger says:

    STR: 145#
    WOD: 197 Rx

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