Everyone Tries Today

JT Scott | 11/15/2017 | 3

That’s the thing about CrossFitters: we’re not afraid to work hard. If you’ve been here even a little while, you’ve noticed that the goal here is to push the envelope of what we can do, knowing that growth happens on the margins. When we train at the margins of our capabilities, we get better.

Sometimes that means struggling with a skill. Sometimes that means working til failure. Sometimes that means doing shitty reps until they turn into good ones.

I’m about to launch into a whole new endeavor as a legislator, and we all know by now that new Range-of-Motion is weak. I’ll have a lot of learning to do and a lot of struggle along the way, but if I pay attention and give it my best effort consistently, I’ll gain proficiency quickly. The same thing definitely applies during your time in the gym.

For the strength today we’re going to be limited by that strict press, but it’s only for one rep – so really lock down that core and PRESS. Once you’ve got it up once, you’ll have your hips to help for the rest of the reps.

For the Workout, we’re going to be taxing our loaded squat at speed and our ability to get our hips and toes up for the TTB. But before we get there, we’ve got some work to do on double unders. If you’re already proficient, this will be a great gasser to get your heart racing before you step between the dumbbells. If you’re not fully proficient, this will be your time to struggle… and through the struggle, you’ll improve.

No one cares here if you didn’t RX the workout – everyone notices if you didn’t give it your best. So buckle up and get after it.

1 Strict Press
2 Push Press
3 Push Jerk

* 100 Double Unders buy-in
DB Squat Cleans (35/25)
* 100 Double Unders cash-out

Note: the 100 Double-unders buy-in at the start of the workout have a 2 minute time cap. For the 100 Doubles cash-out, if you did not finish all 100 you much MATCH the number of doubles you did at the start of the workout. If you did not get at least 10 doubles at the start of the workout, your cash-out is 2 minutes of double-under attempts!

3 comments for “Everyone Tries Today

  1. Josh Mc says:

    Str: 105#
    WoD: 14:47. 100 DUs, 30# DB squat clean, Knees to Chest. Squat cleans @ that weight were pushing it, and gave up on TTB to save strength after 1!

  2. Abigail R says:

    STR: 60#
    WOD: 17:42 rx. Fun and very, very tiring.

  3. Jon says:

    Str: 110# (PR for the strict press!)
    WoD: 17:34 Rx

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