Movin’ on up

Kirstie Young | 08/01/2018 | 3

We’re climbing ropes today folks. We’ll take some time to practice rope climbing and cleaning up sticking points for you to get you ready for the workout.

The workout is a longer AMRAP with dumbbell snatches, burpees, rope climbs, and running. The stimulus is meant to expose you to moving rope climbing and snatching when breathing hard.

Skill: Rope climbs

12 Alternating DB snatches (50/35)
10 Burpees
2 Rope climbs
400m Run

3 comments for “Movin’ on up

  1. Nadav says:

    WOD: 4 @35#

  2. Jon says:

    WoD: 4 + 6 Rx

    It was hot inside, but at least we got some rain to cool us down on the run. Serious respect to all of you who did this when it was hotter and more in the sun!

  3. Eoin says:

    WoD: 4 + 7 Rx

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