A change to Wednesday nights

Nick | 09/20/2018 | 2

We’re going to be changing up our Wednesday nights as we start heading into the colder months.

First, the Locomotion class that was happening at the Fells is coming back local (and a little earlier at 6pm).  Instead of doing it in the gym, however, we’re going to be taking class to the new parkour structure at Lincoln Park!  It’s about a 5 minute walk from the gym, so I’ll be leaving around 5:50 if you’d like to be guided to the spot.

Secondly, we’re going to give the Olympic Lifting class a break for the time being.  Open gym will still occupy the spot from 7-8pm, so come on by and get some work done!

Here’s what we have for today: a double Tabata 12, going from slow and grindy to fast and bouncy.  Both involve the same skills, just applied in a different manner.


Tabata 12

Box Jumps (30/24)

Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)

Strict Toes to Bar

=REST 5=

Tabata 12

Box Jumps (20)

Shoulder to Overhead (45/35)

Toes to Bar

2 comments for “A change to Wednesday nights

  1. Ben B says:

    WOD: 1st Tabata 151(ish) reps 30″, 115#, TTR; 2nd Tabata 263(ish) reps Rx

  2. JoshMc says:

    Wod: 1st Tabata, 139 reps @ 30”, 105# & largely knees to chest. 2nd Tabata, 184(?) reps @ 24” & TTB. Accidentally went 24” on the 2nd set.

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