
Nick | 10/09/2018 | 6

Strength and conditioning has existed for quite some time.  Before we had all these fancy barbells and pull up rigs, simpler tools had to be used.  Enter: the hill.

Today’s WOD will remind us of the potency of sprinting up.  While the reps each round get bigger, the sprint stays the same.  It’s a new route, so enjoy the novelty while it’s still running weather.


1 Power Snatch

2 Overhead Squats



3,6,9,12 etc.

toes to bar

DB front squats (35/25)

* finish each round with a hill sprint

6 comments for “Hills

  1. JoshMc says:

    Str: 70#
    WoD: 122 reps Rx. TTB def improving!

  2. Roger says:

    STR: –
    WOD: 129 @ 25#

  3. Nadav says:

    STR: 105#
    WOD: 102 (round 15 + 12 TTB) Rx

  4. Niki Brown says:

    STR: 95#
    WOD: 90 RX

  5. Eoin says:

    STR: 115#
    WOD: 126 @ 25#

  6. Michael says:

    STR: 130#

    WOD: 108 RX.

    so much hill……..
    Is it bad when you look forward to TTB as the easy part?

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