It’s almost party time!

Kirstie Young | 01/09/2019 | 3

We have our annual holiday party this Saturday, January 12th, from 6-10pm. Our only request is, please wear non-athletic clothing. Fancy is relative just avoid your tights and your sweats.

Our workout today is fifteen-minute AMRAP of overhead squats, lateral hops over the bar, lunge steps, and ring dips. It’s been ages since we’ve overhead squatted so feel out your weights before committing to lifting it in the workout. Scale rings dips to a scale that challenges you but won’t put into failure territory.

10 Overhead squats (105/75)
20 Lateral hops over bar
20 Lunge steps
10 Ring dips

3 comments for “It’s almost party time!

  1. Nelly Oliver says:

    Cute kid! πŸ™‚

  2. Ben PC says:

    5+2 @ 95#, toe-assisted ring dips

  3. Jon says:

    WoD: 3 + 54

    The overhead squats deteriorated from “this is challenging, but here’s an unbroken set of 10” at 95# to googling “how is sqwat formed” at 75# in a real big hurry.

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