Jump, don’t squat

Nick | 04/01/2019 | 5

Continuing with our theme of working the “power” position, we’ll be doing some “power” box jumps today.  Just like a power clean is a clean with no squat, these box jumps only count if you don’t land or pass through a squat on top of the box.

This very well might limit your box height, so be honest with yourself so your coach doesn’t have to no-rep you in this WOD.  While this might seem like a hit to the ego, we’re doing it to help develop your power potential.  They are call box jumps  after all, not box squats


Push Jerk




10 box jumps (no squat, no Rx height)

10 toes to bar

10 burpees

5 comments for “Jump, don’t squat

  1. JoshMc says:

    Str: 130#
    WoD: 5+11 w/TTB and 24 inch box

  2. Ben PC says:

    STR: 175#
    WOD: 4+2 w/ 24in, TTB

  3. Roger says:

    STR: 105#
    WOD: 6+16 @ 20″

  4. Eoin says:

    STR: 135#
    WOD: 6+11 @ 20″

  5. Nadav says:

    STR: 125# (1 @135#)
    WOD: 5+14 @ 24” and TTB

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