Power position and odd numbers

Nick | 04/10/2019 | 1
















We’re continuing work on landing in our power position today, this time with a hang power snatch.  The upright demands of a snatch will make this even more challenging, but we still want to be sure to land solid under the bar before we worry about standing.

After that, the WOD is all odd numbers, so write down the rep scheme if you need to but keep on moving!


Hang Power Snatch




11 toes to bar

15 push ups

19 box jumps (24/24)

1 comment for “Power position and odd numbers

  1. Ben PC says:

    STR: 155# (I had two reps at 165, then landed in a squat on the third)
    WOD: 3+7 Rx (a lot of singles today)

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