Push/Pull x2

Nick | 08/19/2019 | 2

We’re hitting another double WOD today, each with one pushing and one pulling element.Β  The first AMRAP will have the pushing be gymnastic based and the pulling barbell based, and the second will flip the pattern.Β  The movements and loads are such that this could get a little grindy, so be ready for a fight!



10 handstand push ups

10 power cleans (135/95)

=rest 3:00=


10 toes to bar

5 shoulder to overhead (135/95)

2 comments for “Push/Pull x2

  1. Ana says:

    3+6 (? Don’t remember the exact number) Rx // 6+1 Rx

  2. Nadav says:

    WOD 1: 3 @ 10 HSPU (not all of them perfect) & 115#
    WOD 2: 5+6 @ TTB & 115#

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