Dumbbell Day

Nick | 09/17/2019 | 2

Today’s workout is the kind you could do in a hotel gym.  Granted, the main reason is that we’ve taken some common barbell movements and replaced the load with dumbbells.

We’ll start with bench press (this is a pressing cycle after all).  The basic premiss is the same, but the stability challenge in greatly enhanced by having two open chains instead of one closed chain (read: your arms are only connected to each other through your torso instead of also through the barbell).  Keep this in mind as you increase weight – you probably won’t get as heavy as you did last week with the bar.

After that we’ll hit a double AMRAP that’s all dumbbell all the time!  Stay consistent and be ready to get back at it after a 2 minute break.


double dumbbell bench press




8 DB hang cleans (40/30)

8 DB front rack walking lunges

8 DB burpee box step ups (24/20)

2 comments for “Dumbbell Day

  1. JoshMc says:

    Str: 40# DBs
    WoD: 2+15, 2+18 @ 35# DB and 24 inch box. This was really grippy.

  2. BenB says:

    STR: 60# x 8 (65# x 7)
    WoD: 2+16, 2+18 Rx. Great workout!

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