Chelsea… It’s like Cindy but with 33% more flavor!

Coach Michael | 10/03/2019 | 3

Hey friends; Friday is here again so let’s get some work done! Today we will take on the benchmark workout, Chelsea. This follows the same movements and rep scheme as the benchmark Cindy, but changes the timing of it a bit by using an EMOM format. So instead of just seeing how many times you can get through 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 air squats in 20 minutes, we will do all of those moves in one minute. When you finish, you have the rest of the minute to recover before you do it again…and again… and again. The EMOM is 30 minutes and based on your scale for the movements, you might (probably will) hit a point where 60 seconds is not enough to complete all 30 moves; DO NOT FEAR! If / when that happens, you will instantly move from EMOM to AMRAP and then for the remainder of the 30 minute time, complete as many rounds as possible.

For the movements, be sure to work on full range of motion to the best of your ability. Pull-ups, from a fully extended arm hang to chin above the bar; push-ups, keeping your back in line / plank, chest all the way down and elbows fully extended/locked out at top; air squats, from fully standing, send hips back and down and fight to get your hips below your knees. Those are your basic point’s of performance, but the coaches will be there to make sure you do them all right.

The goal is to complete 10-15 rounds in the EMOM before switching to AMRAP and this will be a test of properly scaling, so work with the coach and pick a scale that will allow you to meet that goal.

After you finish your WOD journey, enjoy your weekend! Get out there and remember the words of Elanor Roosevelt, “Do one thing every day that scares you.”


EMOM 30*

5 Pull-Ups
10 Push-Ups
15 Air Squats

*Once you fail to complete the round of 30 movements in one minute, switch to AMRAP and complete as many rounds as possible in the remaining time

3 comments for “Chelsea… It’s like Cindy but with 33% more flavor!

  1. BenB says:

    WoD: 9 EMOM + 13 AMRAP @ PU, 20″ box. Scaled to box and push-ups still seriously slowed me down!

  2. Daniel says:

    14 EMOM + 10 AMRAP, banded pull ups, 24″ push ups. Tough, but great!

  3. Nadav says:

    WOD: 7 EMOM + 13 full +11 AMRAP @ PU, 24” box. The push-ups got to me, the pull-ups were kinda fun though.

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