Can do / Will do: We all have limits; let’s go find them

Coach Michael | 11/18/2019 | 4

Hey y’all! While Nick is busy enjoying paradise and learning exciting new ways to help you identify muscles you didn’t know you had, I’m jumping in to tell you about Tuesday’s programming.

Today’s fitness is going to be split between some skill work focusing on the kip and a long chipper designed to take you through a downward trending rep scheme over 6 dynamic movements. Or, more simply, this is a recipe for awesome sauce, so let’s get after it!

First, we will spend some time developing our kipping. The coaches will help you define the hollow and arch of the kip and help you get that dialed in on the rig. Then, they’ll show you where, in this dynamic movement, you can most efficiently execute moves like the Toes to Bar, Pull-Ups, Chest to Bar Pull Ups, and Muscle Ups.

Once you get through the skill part of the class, get ready for the WOD which kicks off with a 1,000M row. Be sure to find a sustainable pace that allows you to consistently work through this row, because as soon as it’s complete you have 80 Mountain Climbers, 60 Kettle Bell Swings, 40 Push-Ups, 20 Toes to Bar, and 10 Chest to Bar pull-ups to accomplish.

The key here: pacing.Β This WOD will help you identify a working load you are capable of sustaining. If you chase an aggressive pace that is too hard, you will red line and physically have to stop for rest. If you dial it back to an easy pace, you won’t push against your capacity to accomplish work. Think of it as a sweaty journey of self-discovery with a cool soundtrack.

Important things to know here:

  • The “Best I’ve Got” is a moving target, so be prepared to go hard some and then slow it down in order to keep moving instead of just stopping;
  • Your limits are where they are because that is as far as you’ve been willing to go;
  • When it’s over, you’ll be a fitter than you were when you started;
  • You are awesome;
  • You are stronger than you think you are;
  • You got this

The difference between what we CAN DO and what we WILL DO can be significant; so today, reach out there and find that wall that is your limits. Put your hands on it. Push it farther out.

Kipping Work

1000 M Row
80 Mountain Climbers
60 Kettle Bell Swings (53/35)
40 Push-Ups
20 Toes to Bar
10 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups


4 comments for “Can do / Will do: We all have limits; let’s go find them

  1. Abigail says:

    WOD: 18:52 @ 35# kb, pushups to box, TTB & regular pull-ups. Grip and motivation to get back on the bar between sets were definitely the challenge today.

  2. JoshMc says:

    WoD: 15:56. Did it as prescribed except couldn’t get fully chest to bar on the pull-ups (strength/mobility challenges).

  3. Ana says:

    15:33 Rx

  4. Jon says:

    WoD: 14:29 Rx

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