Going by the numbers

Nick | 01/13/2020 | 2

Today will be our first chance to use some of our test numbers to help us make choices.  Specifically, we’ll be taking around 50% of our 1 rep max back squat from last week and using it for our front squats today.

If you didn’t test your back squat, not to worry.  This is just an estimate of something feasible but challenging, and your coach will help you settle on a weight regardless.  After that, we get more front squats along with some pull ups and a dumbbell drag to complete today’s WOD.


Front Squats


@ 50% 1rm back squat


4 rounds

10 front squats (95/65)

10 chest to bar pull ups

50′ dumbbell drag (50/35)

2 comments for “Going by the numbers

  1. DANIEL S. says:

    135# Front squats
    9:33 WoD, used a band for pull ups.

  2. Nadav says:

    STR: 115# (a bit more than 50% BS at 205#)
    WOD: 9:32 Rx

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