Wednesday 9/8/2021 – Deadlifts and a Chipper

Coach Michael | 09/07/2021 | 1

Toes to Bar
This is a good form for K2E. Get those knees HIGH!

Howdy! Today we’re back at the fundamental power movement: The Deadlift! We’ll be working on building sets of 5 with the intent of getting the heavies set of five you can complete. Today we will keep these as touch and go in order to build the strength and control to reset the next rep from the end of the previous without dropping. This may limit the weight you push, but will help condition the lower back and your posterior chain (Hamstrings and Glutes) to move weight up and down safely and consistently.

The WOD will keep a heavier DL for high reps, so be sure to pick a load that you can move consistently for 9 MORE sets of 5 reps once you are fatigued, because these 45 deadlifts occure AFTER a 600 meter run! SUCH FUN!

The WOD is a chipper that consists of: Run 600M, 45 Deadlifts (205/145), 36 Double Dumbbell Push Press (50/35), 27 Knees to Elbow.
This gets spicy right out of the gate, so bring your runnning shoes and a comfortable mask!

STR: Deadlift
5-5-5-5-5 <Building>

WOD: For Time
600M Run
45 Deadlifts (205/145)
36 Double DB Push Press (50/35)
27 Knees to Elbow

1 comment for “Wednesday 9/8/2021 – Deadlifts and a Chipper

  1. Robin says:

    Strength: 185#
    WOD: 15:25 (105# and 20#). Better than expected. Didn’t know if I was going to beat the 18 min time cap when we started

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