Sea sick Annie

Kirstie Young | 11/28/2018 | 6

I imagine many of you have done the workout “Annie” which is 50-40-30-20-10 of double unders and sit ups. This typically takes around  8 minutes.

Today we’ve got a longer version that sandwiches Annie with a 1k row on either side. A good goal time 20 minutes.


“Seasick Annie”
For time
1k row
Double unders
Sit ups
1k row

6 comments for “Sea sick Annie

  1. JoshMc says:

    WoD: 21:00 Rx. Coming off the rower – just couldn’t string the DUs together on the sets of 50 and 40. Came together for the sets of 30, 20, & 10. Need to redo this workout at open gym sometime…

  2. Jenna says:

    16:55 Rx

  3. Jon says:

    18:12 Rx

  4. Ben PC says:

    19:09 Rx
    … when I got back to the rower the screen was busted (nick later showed me how the cable just wasn’t seated properly) and I had to go find another rower. I pull it down and start rowing and look up and the screen has tape on it saying “broken screen.” Hooray.

  5. Nadav says:

    WOD: 22:01 @ SUx2

  6. Michael says:

    16:54 RX. Almost had it all unbroken, but lost it on 38 of the 40. Sad face.

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