On the clock

Kirstie Young | 12/19/2018 | 3

Row 200/ 250m

Rest 2:00

10 Pull ups

The theme of the day is to race the clock. There are two workouts with one-minute intervals. This is commonly known as EMOM (Every minute on the minute.) The first one is rowing sprints of 250/ 200 meters. The goal is to have 10-15 seconds of rest to start by the last few rounds your rest maybe less than 10 seconds. This was a gut check for me but it felt productive.

The second EMOM is 10 pull ups on the minute. I’d approach this workout by establishing how well you can hang on to your pulllups when breathing hard. Two quick sets are ok but they should be consistent. If you need to lower the number of pullups per minute or decrease the difficulty of the pull up scale, ask your coach for help.

3 comments for “On the clock

  1. Ben B. says:

    WoD #1: :03 sec @ 225M
    WoD#2: started at 10, dropped to 8. Trying to keep decent form

  2. JoshMc says:

    WoD #1: ~:04 sec @ 250M. 1st couple rounds out of the gate too aggressive, and then settled in.
    WoD #2: 7 pullups, last round finished with 17 seconds left (slowest).

  3. Nadav says:

    WOD 1: 200 m @ 0 sec
    WOD 2: 10 RR per round
    (back after more than a week away (sick), it’s nice to be back!)

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