Early blog!

Kirstie Young | 01/24/2019 | 3

Hey Team!

Steroid Cindy


5 Chest to Bar Pull ups

10 Hand Release Push Ups

15 Wall Balls

Friends  – the original of this work out has chin over bar pull ups, regular push ups and air squats. We’ve added some things to make it a bit more challenging – first, the c2b pull ups, were adding a little bit more range of motion here.  For this movement I do want you to choose a challenging pulling movement, try to not to let the movement drop down to singles – make an effort to keep at least two strung together. The hand release push ups have a tendency to get really sloppy so if RX push ups aren’t your thing, hand release might not be for you today! That’s okay though – maybe give RX push ups a try, kind of similar to the pull ups, I want you to choose something that is challenging to you. Regardless of movement choice,  I want you to make sure you are able to keep moving, think small fast sets for these! For the wall balls – do your best to crank through the set of 15! Have fun with this one team- I will see you all BRIGHT AND EARLY!

3 comments for “Early blog!

  1. Ben PC says:

    5+11 Rx
    Pull-ups were fast, everything else… not so much

  2. JoshMc says:

    8+20. Rx except some pull-ups probably weren’t quite CTB (still, the most I’ve ever done in a workout). Also this was deceptively a lot of wall balls when all was said and done….

  3. Ben B. says:

    WOD: 8 + 7 Rx. Yea, lots of wall balls, with no should strength to hold the ball up!

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