Hot Hot Hot

Melaina Neisner | 07/18/2019 | 3

Y’all! It is supposed to be super toasty these next few days. Please remember to hydrate!

Also a reminder: PLEASE clean out the “day use only” cubbies. These are the ones closest to the water fountain. Any items left there will be donated or tossed this up coming Saturday (unless you are away, and then contact Mel and let her know what you’eve left behind!)


Here is what we have for you tomorrow:

For 6 rounds:

In :90 complete
10 Toes To Bar
30 Dubs

ME Wall Balls (heavier than usual) Rest :60

Post WOD:
3 Rounds
:30 Hollow Rocks
:30 Russian twists w/medball

:30 rest


For tomorrow’s workout we want y’all to be able to complete the Toes to Bar and Dubs in under :60. Then you’ll have about :30 or more to get as many wall balls as possible. The RX weight for wall balls will be anything that is heavier than you usually use. We’re giving you :60 of rest, and the goal is to hit the same number of walls balls each round, or surpass it.





3 comments for “Hot Hot Hot

  1. BenB says:

    WoD: 67 WB@ TTB attempts (down to ktE last round, DU, 25# WB)

  2. Abigail R says:

    WOD: 42 rx, 16# WB. Was it cheating to only go 2# heavier than my usual? ‍♀️
    Finisher: lol, nope.

  3. Nadav says:

    WOD: 7 @ 20# WB
    10 TTB, then spent most of the time trying to get 30 DUs, this took so much time and left none for WB.
    I need to work more on DUs, then.

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