A spicy movement with a new name

Nick | 04/27/2020 | 8

We’re hitting a cuplet today of pull ups and “bag burpees”. While the later is probably something you’ve never heard of before, if you’ve ever done a devil’s press, this will be quite similar.

Keep looking for ways to get creative to get as much as you can out of these at home WODs. A load is a load, so find a weight that you’ll notice and get to it!

“Slice of Heaven”
10 -> 1
Bag Burpees

* sub Table Rows, bent over rows or Jumping Pullups as needed
* Bag Burpees: “Load up a backpack or laundry bag with #30+ of soft stuff. Burpee chest to ground, then as you stand up snatch the loaded bag all the way up overhead to full extension. Bring the bag back down to the ground with you and repeat.

8 comments for “A spicy movement with a new name

  1. Jack H. says:


    strict pull ups with towel wraps on the bar to work grip
    Two 15 lb dumbbells for the bag burbee load

  2. Paul B. says:

    Un coin du ciel! Oo la la.
    Table rows, 25# bag. 12:39

  3. Sarah L says:

    16:30 … slow this week.
    I did negative pull ups and ~18 lbs?

  4. Heather Jacques says:


    I did jumping pull-ups and had maybe 10lbs in my backpack. I need to find more heavy stuff to shove in there that I don’t mind throwing around…

  5. Josh Feinman says:

    18:30 strict pull-ups and regular burpees

  6. BenB says:

    Just got an erg to play with, so did my own: Nautical Helen-ish (row 500, 21 kb, 8 strict pull ups) 13:04. Feels like a good benchmark to try again next week…

  7. Sue says:

    17:13 kipping pull ups until round 8 then jumping pull ups, 5 lb laundry detergent

  8. Bill Shoesmith says:

    13:33, jumping pull-ups, 25lbs in bag

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