Get There While It Counts

JT Scott | 02/11/2024 |

I love Overhead Squat day, and a quick search of the past 13 years of blog posts here is full of me waxing rhapsodic about the virtues of the overhead squat. But instead of dwelling on that, I want to say something about the WOD’s challenge today.

Getting to the pullup rack is the challenge here, before you get a chance at getting your toes all the way up there. To even get the chance to score points in this workout, an athlete needs to be fully proficient with double-unders – not breaking them up into sets of 3 or 4 – and also capable of sustaining that cardio through 25 unbroken burpees at a decent clip – less than 90 seconds.

No matter what your skill level is right now, we’ll work with you to craft a suitable substitution that still conveys the feeling that you’ll have to be pushing at your a-game levels to get there while it counts: before each 3min AMRAP is over.

Overhead Squat

4 Rounds for Time:
75 Double Unders
25 Burpees
Max Effort Toes to Bar
* REST 1 MIN after each round

  • Score is total Toes to Bar