A Rose By Any Other Name

JT Scott | 03/18/2024 |

It’s only been about 15 years of writing these blog entries, and almost every day there’s a STRENGTH and a WOD in the post. But days like today make what’s already a pretty blurry line of classification into a clear lack of distinction. There’s one section where you’ll be doing Turkish Get Ups intermingled with other core work, but it’s definitely not a classic CrossFit metcon. Then there’s another section where you’ll just be maxing out your 5rep front squat on the clock, which definitely *is* a classic CrossFit activity but it ain’t exactly Helen in terms of cardio. (Nothing else is Helen in terms of cardio, tbf.)

But whatever you want to call it, the work is the work. If calling it a WOD or a STRENGTH or anything else in particular is going to get in the way of us doing the work in front of us, then let’s all take the opportunity today to toss aside an unuseful label or two and just stick to being productive.


Turkish Get Ups
* 10 copenhagen side plank taps after each set of TGUs

E3MOM, 5 sets
Front Squats x5
For Load