Two Girls In One Week

JT Scott | 03/28/2024 |

Jackie on Monday, and now Elizabeth here on Friday. To be precise, that’s “Strict Elizabeth”. Before you go getting too excited about her, just know that it means not kipping those ring dips, and landing each clean with your butt below your knees. She’s a CrossFit Classic for a reason, and just like Jackie I’d suggest making sure this one goes into your notebook because she’s bound to make a comeback sometime.

After knocking that out, we will rest a few moments and then it will be time to throw on weights and see how heavy we can go in just 8 minutes.

“Strict Elizabeth”
Squat Cleans (95/135)
Strict Ring Dips

  • then

On an 8 minute clock, build to a heavy 1 rep Squat Clean, for max load.