Double Upside Down

JT Scott | 05/20/2024 |

Ooooh, today’s some spicy fun for folks who have these high-skill movements in the WOD – and a chance to practice for everyone who isn’t 100% proficient in them. Don’t worry if you don’t have a handstand walk yet. We’ll scale the WOD to something that will build towards it, and we’ll all spend some quality time working on our Squat Snatch mechanics along the way.

Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance + OH Squat
* every 90 seconds, perform one complex as heavy as possible, for 5 sets (building)

100 Double Unders
100 ft Handstand Walk
50 Double Unders
50 ft Handstand Walk
25 Double Unders
25 ft Handstand Walk