
Nick | 05/18/2014 | 4


The last time we did Elizabeth we worked on dropping under the bar with high hang squat cleans before getting into the WOD.  Today, we’ll be working on being as explosive as we can with our hang power clean before hitting the full squat clean in the workout.  Set yourself up with good habits during today’s strength portion: hook grip every rep, find as much tension in your back with a nice tall chest each time your establish the hang and catch the bar in a solid, high front rack position.  Be sure to leave yourself time after the strength to warm up the full clean.  This will give you the opportunity to make sure all these things are happening as we add complexity to the lift.  It would be a shame to spend all that time trying to lock in good habits only to get sloppy when the WOD starts.


Hang Power Cleans
work up to a max double


Elizabeth (compare to 3/6/14, 9/27/13, 5/17/13)
squat cleans (135/95)
ring dips

4 comments for “Elizabeth

  1. christine says:

    nothing more to say than i’m back in action this week and i feel like a pile o’ sludge. couldn’t be happier to head into the box.

  2. Olivia says:

    Strength: 155#

    Elizabeth: Last time it took me 12:21 to rx it, and I know I lose the ring dips quickly. Today I finished in 10:46 @ 95# with tipie-toe ring dips on a box behind me (after about 15 at rx). In theory I should have been able to do this even faster with the scale, but I think yesterday’s competition took more out of me than I thought.

  3. Amy says:

    Strength: 95#, 20 lb PR over my 1 rep max. Mental block at 100# with 3 failed attempts, oh well another day.

    9/27 – 9:09 @45# & red banded ring dips (with squat cleans that were really power cleans into a squat)
    5/19 – 11:22 @65# & heels on box for ring dips (with squat cleans that look more like squat cleans – finally! so happy.)

  4. Renee says:

    Strength 115#

    Hit 120# for one twice! So happy! I once squat cleaned 120# as the highest number clean I ever got in my life. This was 15# above my HPC double and 20# over my HPC single bc both were hanging out at 100# … 🙂

    Elizabeth – dips to a 30″ box and 65# 9:58 …. Used same scale last time and got 8:45 but I’m fine with it my dips need work and VT right now

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