Run before you can walk before you can run

05/02/2024 |

It’s a good thing we always do such a thorough warm-up, because once the WOD starts today you’ll have to run before you can walk. WOD:800m Run 36 DB Front Rack Lunges (35s/50s)600m Run 24 DB Front Rack Lunges (35s/50s)400m Run 12 DB Front Rack Lunges (35s/50s)200m Run

Sharing is Caring

05/01/2024 |

Find an old buddy or meet a new friend – either way, today it’s good to share the load. STRENGTH:3 Rounds50 ft Alligator WalkMax Handstand Hold PARTNER WOD:AMRAP 2424 Russian KB Swings (53/70)12 HSPU200m Farmers Carry * Share all work as needed

Thou Shalt Get Sidetracked

04/30/2024 |

As if Double Unders weren’t already frustrating enough for many of us, the workout format today really emphasizes it in a special way. It’s not enough to struggle through dubs and whack yourself with a wire, nooooo…. now those dubs (and every failed rep!) are standing between you and getting through this giant pile of […]

Interval Playtime

04/29/2024 |

We’ve really run the gamut on work/rest balance across some interesting interval WODs over the past few months. Today is more interval playtime, with equal work/rest intervals. As always, keep those transitions tight and maximize the amount of time you have to accumulate reps and points! STRENGTH:10-8-6-4Banded KB RowsBench Hollow Sliders WOD:6 Rounds:30 Row:30 Pushups:30 […]

Earn Your Load

04/28/2024 |

This is a fun one today. Frequently we will use some time in class working on form for our lifts, getting in reps, and then using that total to guide our load selection for the workout. Today that process is a direct one-to-one translation. You’re building up to a heavy double and then using EXACTLY […]

Thrusters and Snatches

04/25/2024 |

WOD:AMRAP 1010 Thrusters (85/115)10 Power Snatches STRENGTH:12-10-8-6-4Turkish Get Ups * 100ft Farmer Carry between each set * for max load